quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

Superga e 8º6 Crew.


Uma das bandas fetish do LP16, os já extintos 8º6 Crew que têm a graduação da sua cerveja preferida no próprio nome..
Aqui têm uma biografia sacada do blog http://hangoverhard.blogspot.com/

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011



O sábado 25 de xuño, vai ter lugar a segunda edición do Festival da Cultura Proletaria, organizado pola CUT. Será a partir das doce da mañá no eido do C.S. A Tiradoura en Cangas, que ten capacidade para mil cincocentos asistentes.

A comisión organizadora da CUT deste II Festival da Cultura Proletaria, ten como obxectivo superar o éxito obtido na edición anterior celebrada no Adro de San Amaro en Aldán.

O Festival comezará ás 12:00 horas coa actuación do grupo de música tradicional Chacarrandaina. Actuando como condutor presentador do festival Luís “O Caruncho”.

A partir das dúas da tarde e ate as dezaseis horas, haberá un xantar romaría a base de cociña mariñeira a prezos populares.

Pola tarde, despois do xantar, haberá xogos para nenos e maiores, e a partir das dezaoito horas comezará o recital de poesía a cargo de: Xiana Arias, Chus Pato, Xabier Cordal e Méndez Ferrín.

No eido da música actuarán por esta orde a partir das dezanove horas; a banda de Jazz de Cangas, Balea´s Blues Quintet e a continuación subirá ó escenario o grupo galego Das Kapital.

Para pechar o II Festival da Cultura Proletaria estarán a partir das vintedúas horas, a banda asturiana La Tarrancha e o grupo Skarnio que reaparece ó público despois de dous anos, sen actuar nos escenarios..


terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Tattoos dos Spurs.

São muitos os que escolhem inscrever para sempre na pele o Clube que lhes toma conta da alma.

Dei de fronhas com um site com vários exemplos de tatuagens de supporters do londrino clube Tottenham Hotspurs, também conhecidos por Yids...

Chekem mais aqui: "TATTOOED HOTSPURS"

segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011

"Nem pides nem traidores te fizeram ajoelhar.."

10 Nov 1913 - 13 Jun 2005
Foi como se não bastasse
tudo quanto nos fizeram
como se não lhes chegasse
todo o sangue que beberam
como se o ódio fartasse
apenas os que sofreram
como se a luta de classe
não fosse dos que a moveram.
Foi como se as mãos partidas
ou as unhas arrancadas
fossem outras tantas vidas
outra vez incendiadas.
À voz de anticomunista
o patrão surgiu de novo
e com a miséria à vista
tentou dividir o povo.
E falou à multidão
tal como estava previsto
usando sem ter razão
a falsa ideia de Cristo.
Pois quando o povo é cristão
também luta a nosso lado
nós repartimos o pão
não temos o pão guardado.
Por isso quando os burgueses
nos quiserem destruir
encontram os portugueses
que souberam resistir.
E a cada novo assalto
cada escalada fascista
subirá sempre mais alto
a bandeira comunista.



sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011

Entrevista à Brigada 1874, pelos Rebel Ultras - Mtz Ripo)

Hi, please introduce yourself and your position in your group
Hello mate, I'm one of the original members of Brigada 1874 and one of the 'core' who helps out in the painting of the banner, making two sticks, flags etc.

Tell us a bit of the history of your group? And tell what is now?

The group is still very young and small, we formed the group in August 2010, after agreeing that the support at Villa Park just wasn't what it used to be, a lot of us have friends from other ultra groups and have experienced games with ultra groups before we formed the group. We wanted to make noise, bring colour back to the stadium but we didn't just want to be a supporters group we wanted to be much more then that and that is why we formed an ultra group. We know how strong the unity of a ultra group is and you seem to go from a bunch of lads going to a footie game to a union, family, brigade (brigada) going to a football game. Like I said we are still small but since we started we’ve been growing and we’ve found some great members who have a big interest in the ultra scene and share a devotion to the club. We have also found that a lot of Villa fans do want a change and having seen the likes of Rapid Vienna and Ajax group come to Villa Park want to see Villa Park return to the caldron that it once was.

Now tell me more about you city. He, like all cities of England deserves special mention.

Birmingham is a great city, it’s the second city of England and one of the most multicultural cities you’ll find in the country. If you go to the city centre it proves my point completely seeing people from all ethnicities and backgrounds. Birmingham has also given birth to many well known bands and artists in particular famous Ska/Reggae bands such as UB40, Steel pulse and The Beat. Also can't forget Rock legends, Led Zeppelin and Ozzy Osbourne! More recently we’ve seen bands such as Ocean Colour Scene, The Twang and The Streets all coming from this great city. Sadly the area has been hit hard by successive government cuts and the outsourcing of industry abroad, while Birmingham was once the manufacturing hub of the country the vast majority of the cities factories have now closed down, most notably we’ve lost the HP factory and Rover which hit the area hard.

What’s the relationship between Brigada 1874 and other Villa Fans and hooligans (like villa hardcore)?

We don’t have any connections with any hooligan groups at Villa. Because the culture in England has traditionally been geared towards the casual/hooligan scene some people think that being an ultra is the same thing. We’re beginning to change some peoples perspective of what being an ultra means and how there is differences, but this will take time.

Who is your biggest enemies, and who is your friends?

Our biggest enemies are Small Heath Alliance (Small Heath Alliance) you may have seen the scenes last season when we played them at their ground? At the final whistle the blues fans ran on the pitch and postured towards the Villa fans, they choose to stop at the line of police and instead got involved in a game of flare tennis. This went on for a while until the inbreds threw it at their own fans! It’s tradiotnal that The Sty (St Andrews) gets redecorated each time we play them,, this year even saw the club install portaloos for 3 months of the season, choosing not to replace the permanent ones until we’d played there in the league!
We have no friends, some lads have personal friendships with people from other groups but we have no official links with any other groups or teams.
The top league is very competitive and every game would be seen as a rivalry but the ones that stand out the most are Wolves, West Brom but mainly Small Heath they're are biggest rivals. We have no friendships with other fans in Britain.

What’s your group political view?

We are an Anti-Fascist, anti-racist and a non-sectarian group. We believe that people should be united in their support for Aston Villa so anyone who promotes division based upon ethnicity, religion or nationality will obviously not be tolerated in the group.

What’s your opinion about violence?

We are a non violent group, which means we won't go looking for trouble but like any group of friends if we saw a comrade getting a bit of trouble we would help.

Can you tell something about the English ultras scene?

The English ultra scene is still a small one but it’s growing. Some clubs have groups of supporters who claim to be ultras but aren't, for example a group at a lower division club in England agreed with the clubs stewards that they shuld remain seated throughout the game! While there are many phoneys who claim to be ultras there are also some inspiring groups who’ve really pushed things forward in England, Crystal palace's Holmesdale Fanatics have a good set-up and mentality and have put on quite a few cracking displays there are also smaller groups like ourselves who seem to be going the right way such as Fosse Boys at Leicester City.

What are your future plans?

We hope to grow and gain some new members who can contribute to the group, but we would rather have 30 members with the right mentality, ethos and principles etc. then 200 members with none of the above. We hope to get any doubters on board and hopefully put on a few good displays on next season. However we'll be taking things a step at a time and at the moment we look forward for a few pre season trips and a section for next season!

Fuck modern football and small heath alliance! Up the Villa! Brigada 1874.

Read more: http://brigada1874ultras.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=news&thread=11&page=5#ixzz1OAW3gUdo

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

O fascismo e racismo avançam se não os combates.

We don't carry flick knives
We don't carry lead
We only carry hatchets
To bury in your head

So come on
Let's go
So come on
Let's go

We don't carry shotguns
We don't carry chains
We only carry hatchets
To bury in your brains

So come on
Let's go
So come on
Let's go

We don't carry flick knives
We don't carry lead
We only carry hatchets
To bury in your head

So come on
Let's go
So come on
Let's go

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2011

Polos da 12th Man. (plus Super Furry Animals mix).

12th Man

«This is a new brand, that has the hook of only making 99 pieces in each garment style. So in effect, everything is a limited edition, if you’re into that kind of thing. Their animal of choice – you’ve got to have an animal on your polo – is a raptor of some description. Possibly a hawk. They come in at a pricey £78, then again they are hand finished and made in Italy.»

Mondiali Antirazzisti 2011 (Modena)

Mondiali Antirazzisti 2011
Bosco Albergati (Castelfranco Emilia - Modena),
6 - 10 Luglio 2011

Fonte: http://sareantifaxista.blogspot.com