sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014

«Paul Heaton: The miners' strike was inspiring - but working people have less power now»

Paul Heaton, vocalista dos extintos -e míticos- The Housemartins (e ex-hooligan do Sheffield United, Blades Business Crew: ) numa entrevista em que transcorre os turbulentos tempos de revolta social em que a Classe Trabalhadora britânica se levantou contra as políticas de austeridade de Margaret Thatcher, nomeadamente as greves mineiras, e de como esses eventos o ajudaram a forjar uma consciência social adormecida até então.

«Somewhere in a South Yorkshire pit village near Doncaster, a miner’s son, now aged about 40, is still watched over by a guardian angel.

Paul Heaton, the singer-songwriter who earned cult status with The Housemartins and Beautiful South, sponsored the boy during the great Strike for Jobs 30 years ago.

Families were going skint as pitmen went unpaid for a full 12 months to save their coal mines and ­communities in a heroic battle with Maggie Thatcher and her police.

Heaton donated money he was beginning to earn from gigs with The Housemartins and gave away the toy soldiers and small matchstick-firing tanks he had played with as a kid.

“You could call me, I suppose, a disciple of the miners’ strike. It was a time when a lot of things came together politically,” recalls Heaton.

“Until then I’d thought of politics as something that interested middle-class hippies but in the strike it was the working class against the Tories and the state.

"I met some genuinely inspirational people. Women became powerful, joining the front-line to save jobs and pits and communities.

“We were fighting like hell for what we believed in.”»

Ler o resto da entrevista, bem interessante por sinal, aqui:

No estúdio: Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott

Heaton no seu pub, King's Arms, em Salford. Note-se que enverga uma tee dos VIRTUS VERONA FANS...

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2014

Eis a apresentação oficial do Ménilmontant Football Club 1871 (mais um caso de Futebol Modesto contra o Fut€bol Moderno).

Ménilmontant Football Club 1871 is a self-managed amateur football club. One of its first aims is to unify people sharing the same football values; solidarity and collectivity.

MFC is against current football realities such as omnipresence of money, hyper security of stadiums or supporters' repression. Beyond our love for this sport, we are women and men unified by the reject of any prejudice based on gender, social origin, religion or sexual orientation. MFC works in self-management: every member has the same decision power whatever status she/he has (player or supporter).

Why Ménilmontant Football Club 1871?

First, because Ménilmontant stays one of the last popular and multicultural neighbourhoods in Paris, in spite of the gentrification attempts by the bourgeois city hall. We do not all live there but we meet there under social struggles, against racism, homophobia, police violence or the right to housing.

1871 is a symbolic date for us: a rebel and popular Paris defying the bourgeois order during the Commune of Paris. The club is open to everybody, whatever your football level, race, gender, nationality or religion is. Don't hesitate to contact us, get involved and support the project.


Foi-me dado a conhecer por: PIRATE FOOTBALL

Mais em:

Mítica entrada do estádio «O Couto» (Ourense).

Foto de "Mister El Padrone".

Turma da Herri Norte no jogo contra o Shaktar Donetsk.

Turma da Herri Norte no jogo contra o Shaktar Donetsk aludindo à Resistência Antifascista ucraniana.

quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

De Lisboa: liberdade para Alfon!

Em vários países do mundo, estende-se a solidariedade com grevistas que estão a ser condenados ao cárcere no Estado espanhol. Portugal não é excepção. Alfon foi detido na greve geral de 14 de Novembro de 2012 e esteve preso durante 56 dias até ser libertado. Agora, espera pelo julgamento que se realiza, amanhã, 18 de Setembro.

O Estado espanhol pede cinco anos de prisão para o jovem de Madrid que é também membro dos Bukaneros, claque do Rayo Vallecano, clube do bairro operário de Vallecas. Porque resistir e lutar pela classe trabalhadora não é crime mas antes sinónimo de dignidade, juntamo-nos aos apelos pela absolvição de Alfon. ALFON, LIBERDADE! / Fonte: Mentalidade Resistente

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014